
воскресенье, 14 июля 2013 г.

Who are you Mr.Takamisakari?

So that's what you are, Takamisakari! 
Takamisakari - Network nickname. Severodvinsk group of poets, satirists. The writing group was formed in 2011.

as a result of communication in the gated community of the social network VKontakte. Unfortunately the original content that contains early works as well as it is interesting information about the formation of such an unusual group of authors lost.
In connection with burglary VC account this information is completely lost. But formed a creative alliance regularly publish their works on other Internet resources under the stage name Takamisakari, T.Sakari.         The demonstration's fertility and eclecticism of his work, as well as the level of heterogeneity of products, initially causing a sharp surprise in the end result in a thoughtful reader to the correct conclusion that the works were written by more than one author. Simple linguistic analysis by an independent panel of experts confirm this conjecture.Guess, after more simple analysis of works subject of the "author" (after taking the term of the assertion by the author in quotation marks in the context of the material presented seems to us to be justified), becomes reasonable assurance. 
Creative "Register", "author" is in the range from a poem written in a "primitive" way the writers, to compositions performed, of course, hand gifted masters of the works of "low" - everyday subjects, to highly spiritual works of Christian sound. Such a broad diversity of products leaves no doubt that the creation of the final product under the name Takamisakari (T.Sakari) lies at least three or four authors (presumably two). According to information received from a reliable source, the reason for this is by no means the natural modesty of the project participants and banal notorious citizens Severodvinsk need to hide behind a neutral nickname and have the opportunity to publish their works.
The most complete work Takamisakari (T.Sakari) presented on the website of humorous poetry "Hohmodrom» (http://www.hohmodrom.ru/), some publications of the "author", under various pseudonyms on sites marked "Belomorkanal» (http:// tv29.ru /), «Rusbiatlon», «Govorite, Severodvinsk» (http://govorite.blogspot.ru/), BiathlonBand (http://biathlonband.com), Authors Products Reviews (www.stihi.ru /), LJ, VC and other popular sites.

На русском языке: http://www.hohmodrom.ru/project.php?prid=109751

16 комментариев:

  1. ДАПРЫГАЛСЯ!! переведите мне!! а вона сцылка... А я грил не весь маи стишки!!! и трукие тоже!! а ён! а мне нраицца!! вот!!

  2. Ответы
    1. А скем вы ето барон тута раскавариваете? с апонским калектифным расумом??? (дефектифным... я п скасал)

    2. Сам ты тефективный! хороши надо стихи саченять! а не про обамоф!! мамоф.. тьфу на тебя...

    3. я те фкантакте написал. Вними и обеспечь, дело сурьёзное, это те не Вику строить)))

    4. Видю, видю, да дело непрастое...

    5. ну ничего, ты же постараисси))

    6. ВСЁ!! делоф! паслал барбаре! пущай отуваецца...

  3. Ответы
    1. об ком это ты? О сев-ских поэтах?))

    2. ОНО ЕСЧО И РУГАЕЦЦА!! А!! Пади атметил успех свой уже???

    3. Как какой? феерический? тя па руски часто рукательны стати пасвесчаут?? Во! тока модеры в личке! А тута панеруски! пес матоф! Не, это надо отметить...☺

  4. Ответы
    1. фсё! спалилися! ЮЮ грит а ето што у тя в паклашке??

  5. исчо не в погрепке но уже в делирийи?))))
